Medium is the New Message – Culture Club is the New Party

usa-001If 140 characters stymie your expression, time to move past Twitter and explore Medium. is a longer form collection of essays, rants, humor, and quality writing, started by Twitter co-founders Evan Williams and Biz Stone in 2012 with an eye toward sharing more substantive ideas.


Medium is comprised of hundreds of collection’s, each curated by an editor. Some collections have only a few dozen readers and explore specific topics, like Urban Planning, Yoga, or Detroit. Others have hundreds of readers and focus on general interest topics such as travel or politics. The largest collections, with thousands of readers, include essays that span genres and explore the essence of contemporary life. Over the past year I’ve posted over fifty essays to Medium, in a variety of collections. But when I have something really worthwhile, I always start with my preferred curator, Felicia M. Gordon.

02-elle-01-feb-fashion-worbook-parallel-thinking-stripes-0113-xln-mdnHarlem’s 21st century renaissance is encapsulated in this singular talented woman. Felicia is trained in drawing, painting, and photography, and I can attest to her exquisite editing skills. She formed the Sugar Hill Culture Club in 2006 to develop collaborative art projects that reflect a refined, urban ethos. She has been profiled in Elle and New York Times Style Magazine. Felicia’s recent book, Where’s Wendell? is a hand bound photographic journey with avant-garde fashion designer Wendell Headley. I am looking forward to the copy I ordered as a Christmas present to myself.


Felicia’s Culture Club collection on Medium proclaims to “get in the cracks and crevices of race, class, culture, and identity. It’s a party. Come as you are.” That slightly irreverent description is spot on. Culture Club is ripe with provocative ideas and excellent writing that is both fresh and relevant.

 finalbook2Over the next few months, Culture Club will feature excerpts from Architecture by Moonlight. True to her discerning taste, Felicia selected only half of what I offered – the best stories and observations of my time in Haiti will be published on Culture Club. Enjoy The Same Moon and Adopted by an Orphan now, and look for others in the weeks ahead.

But don’t log on to Culture Club just to read me. Read the dozens of other thoughtful writers Felicia supports. You will always find something to nourish your mind and your soul.

About paulefallon

Greetings reader. I am a writer, architect, cyclist and father from Cambridge, MA. My primary blog, is an archive of all my published writing. The title refers to a sequence of three yoga positions that increase focus and build strength by shifting the body’s center of gravity. The objective is balance without stability. My writing addresses opposing tension in our world, and my attempt to find balance through understanding that opposition. During 2015-2106 I am cycling through all 48 mainland United States and asking the question "How will we live tomorrow?" That journey is chronicled in a dedicated blog,, that includes personal writing related to my adventure as well as others' responses to my question. Thank you for visiting.
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2 Responses to Medium is the New Message – Culture Club is the New Party

  1. Barbara Costa says:

    Exciting! So good to know about this. But signing up on Culture Club needs to go through Facebook and get access to all my contacts? This gives me pause… Other ideas? It was so great to see you at Globiana’s, and I very much look forward to reading your book!!

  2. paulefallon says:

    Barbara – I did not need to do that. Try logging on to, then selecting Culture Club as a Collection. It was so good to see you as well.

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